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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Italian Meatball and Tortellini Soup

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Italian Meatball & Cheese Tortellini Soup

March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) and there are many ways to join in the celebration. There are two themes for 2013 – Down Syndrome International (DSi) is promoting an awareness campaign with “Lots of Socks” as well as an inclusive employment campaign with “Let us In – I Want to Work!” DSiWDSD encourages everyone to wear bright, mismatched or multiple socks today as conversation starters to promote awareness. For more info and to see photos check out their website here .
DSi has produced a global video event highlighting individuals with Down syndrome in a variety of work settings in 62 countries. Check out the YouTube video below. . The lively musical accompaniment is an original composition for the video. At the end, following the credits, is a list of participating organizations, including many Down syndrome associations from around the world.

DSi’s video features Chris Burke, TV actor and goodwill ambassador for the National Down Syndrome Society, representing the USA. I’m a big fan of his as I really enjoyed the “Life GoesOn” TV series he starred in, playing Corky Thatcher. I happened to live in the same apartment complex as Dean Cain, who was up and coming but still at the start of his career then, just before his “Superman” breakout role. He was a great neighbor. Dean was so excited about his guest appearance in the Hawaii trip episode of “Life Goes On” – he played a fire dancer and had a few scenes with Corky’s sister – and so the show had a personal connection then and now that I have a son with Down syndrome it has an even deeper connection. I haven’t met Chris, but I’ve read his biography A Special Kind of Hero and highly recommend it. The book offers a comprehensive story including the perspective of his parents and siblings as well as Chris’s voice. I didn’t realize until I read his book that the TV series was written specifically as a star vehicle for Chris – he had so impressed an exec with an earlier role in a TV movie. The series was not only the first to have a starring role for a young man with Down syndrome, but the first prime-time series to mainly focus on the issues around growing up with Down syndrome.

Chris at gig, wearing Corky jacket from "Life Goes On"
Keeping with the world theme, I also have to share my hands down favorite video for sharing about what Down syndrome is and what individuals with Down syndrome can accomplish. From Madrid, Spain check out Danza Down – a brief documentary about the professional dance troupe which points out how dance helps individuals with Down syndrome and highlights their unique gifts. (Click the Danza Down link above for the 8 minute documentary - it's in Spanish with English subtitles; click on the video below for a 5 minute performance of their upbeat version of West Side Story's "Life in America.") Olé! 
"Just as the world is round, everyone can dance,” says Elías Lafuente, Danza Down Director.

You're probably hungry after my mini-inservice here. Continuing with the international theme, I'm sharing my version of Italian Meatball and Cheese Tortellini Soup. This can be a totally made from scratch soup using your favorite meatball recipe and precooking and making your own pasta OR you can take some short cuts and throw it together really quickly.  Mangi con amici!

Italian Meatball & Cheese Tortellini Soup

(inspired by Katie McCoy's recipe for Tomato-Spinach Tortellini Soup on website)

½-1 red onion, chopped
2-3 cloves garlic, minced*
2 Tbsps olive oil
4 cups Beef stock*
2 cans plain diced tomatoes, undrained
1 Bay leaf
3-4 fresh Basil leaves (or 1 tsp dried)
fresh Oregano to taste (or 1 tsp dried)

Already cooked small size Meatballs* (depending on size I use ~16-24 meatballs)

1 cup Red wine** (I like to use Cabernet)
1 lb frozen cheese Tortellini*

1 bunch Swiss chard or 3/4 lb of fresh Spinach*

Garnish– fresh parmesan cheese , grated into bowls after soup has been served

*NOTES: quick shortcut for fresh garlic = 1/2 tsp garlic powder added to broth; quick shortcut for homemade beef broth = bouillion with water; add more flavor by making & cooking your own meatballs ahead of time; if you don't want to use add more flavor by making your own Tortellini or buying freshly made; quick shortcut for greens = 1 pkg frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained before adding to soup

**NOTE: if you would prefer not to use alcohol, substitute with 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar + 1 cup water


Saute onions and garlic in olive oil over medium heat, until onions are soft and translucent.

Add the beef stock, canned tomatoes and dried herbs & stir.

Add in meatballs, stir and simmer on medium-low heat for around 15 minutes to heat everything through.

Add the Red wine and the frozen pasta, bring to a boil and cook according to instructions on pasta package – usually for 8-10 minutes (if using fresh pasta, reduce cooking time to a few minutes); cook to the lowest end of the recommended time as you'll continue cooking pasta for a couple minutes after you add the greens.

Add the chopped greens and continue cooking for another 2 minutes, to wilt.
Offer shredded Parmesan cheese as a garnish, also great with sliced Italian bread.

This soup is great the next day as leftovers; however, be aware that the pasta soaks up lots of the broth. When you reheat leftovers, you will likely need to add more fluid -either water, stock or a bit more wine.
VEGAN OPTION: You can leave out the meatballs and use a vegetarian or soy substitute, or add a can of beans like cannellini. Use CeleFibR vegetarian bouillon cubes in beef flavor or just us a vegetable broth.

ALLERGENS: Contains wheat, dairy, beef.
ALLERGY ACCOMMODATIONS: To avoid wheat, use a gluten-free pasta or replace the pasta in soup with cannellini beans or rice. To avoid dairy, you could use a beef tortellini or a plain pasta variety and leave off the Parmesan cheese garnish. To avoid beef, see the Vegan Option above.